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Book Spotlight:
“Each aspect of the training can be transferred to both the children and foster carers” -EB, Ireland
The Hopeful Brain
4th Edition
Disconnected young people desperately need hope to be courageous in life. Despite living in a society that seems to cherish individuality, our young people are social and so they learn and grow best in the company of others. From the moment that people are born, everyone and everything in their ecology has a significant influence upon them. Our brains create ourselves in the context of these relationships and encounters. Without hope, our brains and bodies would constantly react, rather than respond to the ecologies around us in ways that are far from beneficial. We are our experiences. They shape who we are and who we will become.
According to Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) http://www.casel.org/social-and-emotional-learning/ social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that can enhance personal development, establish satisfying interpersonal relationships, and lead to effective and ethical work and productivity. These include the competencies to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show caring and concern for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
Research indicates that there is a direct link between social and emotional skills and academic learning. According to CASEL many risky behaviors can be prevented or reduced when social and emotional learning is integrated into the curriculum. This is best done through explicit instruction and through student-centered learning approaches that help students engage in the learning process and develop analytical, communication, and collaborative skills.
The Minded Brain is a "hands-on" educational curriculum designed to enhance the social, emotional and cultural needs of students through target experiential learning activities. It uses targeted instructional techniques to support social emotional learning within an easy-to-use NeuroTransactional approach.
Relate Well…React Less! All young people have an innate need to feel Safe, Significant, Respected and Related! In Better Behavior- Positively!, authors White-McMahon and Baker introduce an innovative model of care known as the NeuroTransactional approach that harnesses the power of relationships and brain-based supports to promote healthy transformation. They explore how supportive intervention need not be complex nor require significant amounts of training to be effective. Unique to this comprehensive model are a set of innovative, trauma-informed approaches that offer tremendous hope to behaviorally challenged young people. The book provides, clear, concise information grounded in research that demonstrates how brain development is impacted by experience and provides practical strategies of support that can be used by any caring adult. The authors explore the connection of how behavior develops into a way of responding to the people and environments within their life.
"Combination of theory with relevant examples!"
-Paul S. Engineering Manager, Perth Australia
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